Anne Marcon
Sound Healing Practitioner
Beauty Therapist
Hi there, welcome, and thank you for your interest in Calm Alchemist and your own self care and healing. Calm Alchemist has a unique take on classic beauty care therapies where we get to integrate & incorporate sound healing into the natural flow of services offered, this in turn calms your nervous system and energy healing potentials.
These modalities work within your own healing capacities and require just your willingness to receive.

bout e
My ultimate goal in work life has always revolved around modalities that bring focus to transformative tools assisting women in reaching their highest potential.
If this is a vision that has felt elusive for you, then I am here for you.
I believe there's a self love journey we all must honour within this life. With loving acceptance & celebration of who we are, here and now, but so much easier when supported in accessing the knowledge & tools towards reaching that potential.
My history includes over 40 years as a natural Beauty Therapist, Aromatherapist, Colour Analyst & Stylist, Wildflower Essence & Reiki therapist, Spiritual Counselor & Healer, and in more recent years as a Women's Circle Facilitator, Fitness instructor and Sound Healing Practitioner.
What People Said

0416 510 673 | anne.marcon@bigpond.com
55 Jackey Drive, Camden Park, NSW, 2570